
Nowadays the Art of Puppetry is experiencing something of a real renaissance all over the world, touching hearts and minds and engaging new spectators of all ages. Puppetry is a unique cultural treasure, which invites you to experience such a magical way of art that cannot be created or substituted by any other form of art. The task of our puppet theatre is to introduce this special kind of theatre arts in such a way, that the wonders of puppetry world would find their home in the heart of every child.

The duet of a puppeteer and a puppet forms the very axis, around which the great wheel of creating and staging a performance, is turning. It brings together and correlates a word uttered, a puppet, a space, music and lights, which day by day are growing in their expression and becoming more colourful, vivid and magical. For the sake of bringing this inspiring passion to people, we continually strive for artistic excellence and look for fresh means of expression and innovative techniques.

The gates to the Puppet Kingdom are too heavy to be kept open solely just by means of theatre`s earnings or its acclaim amongst professionals and praise in international events. Every contribution, be it a sponsorship, donation or grant, offered help or materials, would be a great support for our cause. For the sake of future generations we are open to new solutions and mutual cooperation.

Martins Eihe

General Director of Latvia Puppet Theatre


Latvia Puppet Theatre offers performances of Latvian and world`s classics as well as those of contemporary works of literature; its plays tell the stories of the most wonderful fairy tales in the world and children are welcome to meet their favourite and most beloved literary characters. The Theatre is committed to providing something for every visitor. Everyone, whether a child, youngster or adult, can find an enchanting, enlightening and entertaining performance suitable for all ages. In order to maintain high standards of performance, the Theatre engages professional puppeteers, directors and puppet makers, who on a regular basis improve their artistic experience through the workshops with the world`s leading puppetry experts. We are performing not only on our own stages, but also touring with our shows across the nation. Moreover, we are offering a unique opportunity for the groups of audience to book and experience our performances at their convenience. 


Through its varied, colourful and up-to-date performances, providing puppetry arts experiences to everyone – be it a child, youngster or adult, the Latvia Puppet Theatre encourages the building of an educated, creative and united society. Using both traditional and innovative techniques of puppetry arts, the Theatre aims to preserve traditional puppetry as a form of arts and to promote its further development. 


  • To enrich the Latvian theatre scene with diverse and innovative performances by means of various puppetry techniques;

  • To provide every inhabitant of Latvia with opportunities to educate themselves, develop their talents and skills in a friendly and creative atmosphere;

  • To promote the Latvian culture and puppetry arts by taking part in international festivals and master classes;

  • To encourage the society`s interest and increase its general knowledge for the puppet theatre, puppetry techniques and traditions;

  • To collect, preserve and archive the knowledge, experience and mastery gained through long years of practice in puppetry arts with the purpose of passing on these treasures to future generations.


The Beginning

The early beginnings of the Puppet Theatre date back to the year 1942, when during the war times the National Art Ensemble of the Latvian SSR was formed in the city of Ivanov in Russia. There originates a group of puppeteers, whose shows are watched by evacuated soldiers and Latvian people. On 4 October 1944 the National Puppet Theatre of the Latvian SSR opened, run by a poet Mirdza Ķempe and a writer and translator Jānis Žīgurs. Not long afterwards the Theatre finds its home in the premises of the former cinema “Radio Modern” at Kr.Barona street.