Lion and bird

45min  / Act 1
Small hall
15,00 EUR

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About the performance

Premiere: 01.12.2023.

This play is a subtle and inspiring story about friendship and its meaning. One day, a Lion finds an injured Bird in his autumn garden. This Lion is different from other Lions: he is very sensitive and caring, so he accepts Bird to live in his cosy home. Thus begins an unexpected but true and deep friendship between two very different animals. Days pass, Christmas comes and goes, Bird gets better and wants to travel, so inevitably their paths diverge... But true friendship never goes away - a warm feeling always travels together, and a dear friend lives in a special place - in the heart. 

Creative team

Kata Csató (Hungary)
Julia Skuratova
Rita Mačiliūnaitė

Roles are played by


Spektaklis LIŪTAS IR PAUKŠTIS | Kauno valstybinis lėlių teatras | N-3


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