Light i hear you

1h 30min  / Act 1
Chamber Hall
18.00 EUR

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About the performance

Premiere: 07.02.2025.

Documental touch-feel

Three young girls take us into their unseen world – how they see things, events and relations beyond eyes, what they experience when they meet people that can't see, don't want to see or even loathe to see. They talk, joke, dance, sing, recite, riot and rejoice.

The performance is created in collaboration with students and faculty of the Textile Art, Interior, Graphic Art and Design Department of the Art Academy of Latvia. As well as in collaboration with the participants of the international DESIGN*ness project "Design and Diversity in Higher Education": Art Academy of Latvia, NABA Milan New Academy of Fine Arts and Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Creative team

Elina Cerpa
Dace Vītola, Agnese Puisane, Sindija Steinberga, Eliza Kupruka
Associate in Dramaturgy:
Matthias Knoll , Elina Cerpa
Movement artist:
Noa Simons (NL)
Pamela Butane
Sound and music:
Stanislavs Kulikovs
Author of the illustrations:
Elvira Bekere

Roles are played by

Dace Vītola
Eliza Kupruka
Agnese Puisane
Sindija Steinberga


GAISMA, ES TEVI DZIRDU - mēģinājumu process
Gaisma, es tevi dzirdu
Gaisma, es tevi dzirdu


Svetlana (No Facebook)

Izrāde, kas ieved mūs parastos cilvēkus to cilvēku pasaulē, kuri redz citādāk - īpaši, lai mēs spētu integrēties. Tāds lietutiņš dvēseles dārzā. Maigs pieskāriens, kas atver pasauli pasaulē. Tik niansēti, tik maigi, tik patiesi, tik viegli un gaiši. Vienīgā nožēla, ka neatnesām klēpi ziedu Dace Vitola un Elīna Cērpa, lai pateiktos. Paldies!

Tava atsauksme

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Personas datu pārzinis - VSIA "Latvijas Leļļu teātris", reģ.nr. 40003782984, adrese: Kr.Barona iela 16/18, Rīga, LV-1050;
Kontaktinformācija: e-pasta adrese:, tālrunis + 371 67285418

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